Blog Juli 2024 Updated Oktober 2024

Vorbereitung auf die kalifornischen Gesetze zur Offenlegung des Klimas

Da Kalifornien neue Vorschriften zur Berichterstattung über Klimarisiken einführt, gehen wir auf die Gesetzgebung und ihre Auswirkungen auf Ihr Unternehmen ein und erklären, wie Sie sich am besten auf alle Arten der ESG-Berichterstattung vorbereiten können.


According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), every region of the world will face climate change hazards in the near future, from flooding due to rising sea levels, to wildfires and tropical storms, or severe drought and failed crops.

Fortunately, it seems governing bodies are now paying attention and there is a global movement towards legislation that requires businesses to report climate information with the introduction of policies such as the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Although the world still awaits broader and more final regulations from the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding US climate policy, the State of California is forging ahead with climate-risk reporting legislation in the form of California SB 253 and SB 261.

This legislation proposes a positive shift towards more robust ESG rules and regulations in the US, however for those new to ESG reporting, it can be confusing. In this article, we’ll discuss California SB 253 and SB 261 in more detail, what corporations’ responsibilities are, and how accurate data collection strategies can help your business prepare for this, or indeed any, ESG reporting measures.

Let’s dig in.

What Are California SB 253 and SB 261, and Why Are They Important?

With a GDP of nearly US$3.9 trillion (a figure which would make it the fifth largest economy in the world) California’s climate action and governance inevitably has worldwide implications. 

Now this region has taken a positive step forward on corporate climate responsibility with the formal ratification of California Senate Bills 253 and 261, which will be enacted into law from January 2026.

California SB 253 and 261 are two separate pieces of legislation that, together, apply to businesses and corporations that conduct business inside the State of California. These bills are also known as the Climate Data Accountability Act (the CCDAA) and the Climate-Related Financial Risk Act (the CRFRA), respectively.

Essentially, the CCDAA and CRFRA require California businesses to disclose their scopes 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions and other climate-related financial risk details. They aim to create more corporate transparency regarding climate responsibility, and ultimately, ESG reporting, which makes sense given that climate change – and how we respond to it – is a public issue.

What Does California ESG Regulation Mean for US Businesses?

The new California climate disclosure laws require all public and private companies with an annual revenue in excess of $500M (CRFRA) and $1 billion (CCDAA), conducting business in California, to disclose emissions. As of right now, this applies to over 5,000 companies doing business in the State, and potentially has a wider impact globally.

While this legislation aligns with other ESG requirements, for businesses not already equipped with the resources to undertake this reporting responsibility, this can lead to consequences, environmentally, legally, and financially.

What Is Required Under These Disclosure Rules?

While the legislation is detailed, and can be found on the State of California website, the broad requirements of sustainability disclosure are:

  • Roles and responsibilities of corporate actors in identifying and managing climate-related risks
  • Potential and actual impacts of climate-related risks on financial performance and/or operations, short-, medium-, and long-term
  • Detailed processes for identifying, analyzing, and preparing a strategy for managing climate-related risks
  • Potential impact of climate-related events, such as wildfires and severe storms
  • Any potential or actual changes in business operations taken in order to mitigate climate-related risks
  • Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emission metrics (this is detailed more thoroughly below)
  • Any other climate-related goals

Scope 3 emissions reporting mandates are fairly soft. Prior to finalization of this legislation, there were some concerns regarding the lack of proposed targets required in these reports. This still appears to be an issue, which could potentially stall meaningful change.

As we outlined previously, however, the ultimate goal is that while these companies are now legally mandated to provide transparency in ESG reporting, this may also drive companies into going beyond mere compliance to set more aggressive internal targets.

What Does the CCDAA (SB 253) Require and What Are the Implications?

Beginning in 2026, the CCDAA will require companies with revenue over $1B to provide limited assurance on scope 1 and 2 emissions. This will increase in 2030, requiring companies to provide reasonable assurance. For scope 3 emissions disclosure, limited assurance must be given beginning in 2030, which will be subject to review by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in 2027.

From 2026, CCDAA (SB 253) gives the State authority to bring civil actions against any business that are in violation of the act, with a maximum fine of $500,000.

For scope 3 emissions, amendments have been made to scale back the liability via introduction of “safe harbor,” which essentially means that legal implications are reduced, provided certain requirements are met. Under the new amendment, companies would not be subject to penalty for errors in scope 3 emission reporting, on a reasonable basis.

What Does the CRFRA (SB 261) Require and What Are the Implications?

While the two pieces of legislation are very similar, there are some key differences.

The CRFRA, or California SB 261, requires entities doing business in California with revenue over $500M to prepare and submit climate-related financial risk reports. These reports should be consistent with the recommendations made under the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) framework for climate-related financial risk reporting.

As an example, if a business has budgeted for increased compliance insurance costs, this would be a climate-related financial cost that would be reported under the CRFRA.

Additionally, companies will need to make these climate related disclosure reports available publicly on their website with the first reports required by January 1, 2026.

Why Mandating Climate Disclosures Is Important

While there are a lot of companies under the $500M and $1 billion annual revenue threshold, the sheer business power that operates in the State of California means that the CCDAA (SB 253) and the CRFRA (SB 261) will undoubtedly make a difference.

The legislation also represents a worldwide rising demand for transparency, particularly from stakeholders, investors, and customers, meaning many more businesses must now prepare and disclose sustainability reports.

This is a step in the right direction, however, standardization across business sectors is critical to make sense of the results, which is one of the purposes behind the CCDAA (SB 253) and the CRFRA (SB 261). 

As there have been a plethora of ESG frameworks that require interpretation, setting a standardization baseline is important. This will help investors and stakeholders make well-informed decisions, bolster customer confidence, and create more sustainable and climate-aware industries.

How To Prepare For ESG Disclosure Regulations?

While many companies operating in California are already preparing ESG disclosure reports, the following actionable steps will ensure your business meets new requirements under the California Climate Bill, or indeed any climate risk disclosure legislation.

1. Assemble a Cross-Functional Team and Educate Those Responsible for Reporting

Climate ESG reporting is complex and operates across multiple arms of a company. A lot of information can be lost in translation throughout departments and key players.

The first step is to create a cross-functional team to address the CCDAA (SB 253) and CRFRA (SB 261). Secondly, educate yourself and your team on all aspects of the legislation including how it might differ from previous disclosure requirements particularly the CCDAA’s inclusion of scope 3 emissions.

Your team should be able to identify reporting risks and teach interdepartmental team members about reporting requirements, working closely together to define each department’s roles and responsibilities and ensure all disclosure requirements are met. 

2. Articulate a Clear Plan for Gathering Data

As you create your plan for reporting implementation, understanding what information to gather and how to go about doing it will set you on the right path.

As an example, a logistics company may have scope 1 emissions data that includes fuel, scope 2 including electricity used, and scope 3 might include emissions from outsourced companies required for regular business operations.

Armed with this information, develop a workflow that helps streamline data collection across departments. This workflow should include all timelines and responsibilities in order to avoid missed deadlines or data reporting errors, which can be costly.

3. Streamline Workflows Across Departments

Accurate and efficient data collection company-wide is not negotiable. Implement workflow systems such as ESG reporting software that are consistent across all departments and accurately collect all data required under the legislation.

Regardless of the CCDAA (SB 253) and the CRFRA (SB 261), accurately collecting data and quickly creating ESG reports is fast becoming a standard requirement demanded by investors and stakeholders. As climate-risk data has to become more accessible and transparent, a workflow system to achieve this is imperative.

As your workflow is implemented, check in with your team and conduct audits regularly. Catching errors or bottlenecks in data gathering processes will save you time and money in the future.

4. Establish Internal Governance and Controls

Approach your climate data like you would your financial data. Internal governance and controls will always be necessary to ensure consistency, efficiency, and most importantly, accuracy in data gathering and reporting.

Create an ESG data gathering and reporting governance charter – a document that clearly sets out all parameters, permutations, requirements, roles and responsibilities. Include both soft and hard deadlines for reporting. Additionally, create a system where your team can continually update their education regarding various legislations that might apply to your company, as well as responsible reporting.

Your charter should lay out steps to be taken in the event of discrepancies, data gaps, or other inconsistencies, as well as how these issues should be addressed and by whom.

If you are working with specialized ESG reporting software, utilize the onboarding personnel to help train an ongoing education team.

5. Achieve Company-Wide Buy-In

Every level of an organization needs to be on the same page. Along with ESG data gathering and software onboarding, hold regular educational seminars that are available company-wide. Outline the importance of the CCDAA (SB 253) and the CRFRA (SB 261) and how they impact the company and individual roles and responsibilities using concrete examples that align with workers’ daily tasks. 

Consider incentive programs for departments when they meet their data collection goals and integrate objectives into performance metrics. By acknowledging and compensating any extra labor these initiatives might require, you will gain critical stakeholder buy-in and keep it.

What Does This Legislation Mean for Businesses Outside the US?

While the CCDAA (SB 253) and the CRFRA (SB 261) are California State laws, any company that operates within the state, regardless of where the company originates, will be required to submit reports as per the legislation.

If a company’s business extends beyond California, the operations that occur within California will still need to be reported.

Less tangibly, this legislation signals California’s vested interest in climate change mitigation, particularly at a corporate level. This is also in alignment with the United Nations Net-Zero commitment, which aims to alleviate corporate greenwashing and stipulates more tangible action against climate change.

Take Action Today

ESG reporting is becoming more important every day – but with the right software, it doesn’t have to be complex. To learn more about the AMCS Sustainability Platform for ESG data collection, management, and reporting, speak to an AMCS expert today.

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