Blog October 2024

9 ways residential haulers can boost margins & sustainability

Whether it’s helping the customer to help themselves, managing AR, or clearing the hurdle of quarter close, revenue management is a core proficiency for the smooth running of any residential hauler.


Those looking to expand their own operations (organically or otherwise)—or eventually make an exit—must first master this mission-critical business function to not just survive but also grow their business.

Here are 9 ways that AMCS Platform drives margin and Performance Sustainability for your business:

1. maximize customer self service

Because it’s 2024. There are few service industries left where a lack of comprehensive self-service options is normal, yet it’s endemic to waste and recycling. All too often, residential operators believe this is just how it is without realizing the customers they see may not be representative of the market available to them.
In other words, if it were easier to pay your bill than switch to a competitor, how much more existing business would you retain? And vice versa, how much more new business could you sign up if it were easier for residents to sign up with you or add to their services.
Doing the right thing for your business happens when you make it easier for the resident by offering excellent digital experience - signing up, paying on time, selecting the right service— rather than making them wait for your office to open, or requiring them to call you during their busy day. This is why self-service has been shown to increase customer satisfaction up to 33%.

2. reduce go-backs

You’ve been there, done that. At least, that’s what the driver is saying. Yet, there’s another customer on the line saying otherwise. Somebody messed up (hint: if it’s not the driver, it’s probably the resident) but you’re going to end up paying. Here’s how we go about tackling this challenge:

empower drivers

Does that new driver know where they’re going? Let’s assume that paper routes are a thing of the past. Apart from the relative difficulty in using either paper maps—or digital maps that are not integrated with routes—there’s also the matter of training. Please tell us it doesn’t still require your route supervisors/dispatchers to hitch a ride! Guided turn-by-turn navigation for drivers supported by powerful route optimization ensures efficient routes, lower operating costs with improved service and safety outcomes. Eliminate digital distractions by ensuring that your vehicle technology (telematics, lift sensors, video cameras) can transmit data autonomously without the need for driver intervention, allowing drivers to focus on safety and service.

educate your customer

How easy is it for them to access their schedule? What goes in the recycling? What happens during public holidays? And were your residents notified that time service was pushed back to Saturday due to the freak weather? People will do the right thing when you make it easier for them to know what that is.
Having the AMCS Platform in place to help driver and resident has been shown to reduce missed collections by up to 20% with automated notifications, self-service portals and apps.

3. recycle more, but manage contamination

Speaking of doing the right thing: You’ve added recycling or other waste diversion streams. Now how do you manage the flipside, contamination. Contamination “go[es] down with each collection, which indicates a connection between feedback and accountability reducing contamination” says the Recycling Partnership. So, how do you know who the repeat offenders are so that you can bring about some accountability?

AMCS Vision AI capability now does exactly that, which means you can automate the process of identifying the sources of contamination and act by engaging with the customer or charging them where appropriate. Closing the loop on gaps in knowledge means that you can plug the revenue leak that stems from this very real operational challenge to performance sustainability.

4. automate billing and credit management

Automated electronic invoice generation and distribution via email and to self-service is a must-have to ensure lowest cost invoicing and early collections.

Make it easier for your customers to pay their bills on time with the widest choice of convenient digital payment channels and methods including autopay, request-to-pay links in invoices, online payments, IVR as well as digital and mobile payments. All payments should be digital and integrated with your billing system to reduce manual costs and delays.

Automate your credit policies with automatic payment reminder notifications. Automation can also put past due customers on service stop and then re-activate service once payment has been received without any need for manual intervention.

5.capture missed revenue

Contract management set up should use workflow and pre-defined contract templates to streamline both automated and manual set of contracts – reducing effort, errors, and delays while protecting revenue. Service package management should allow automated allocation of a standard package of services (materials, container sizes and numbers, service frequency) depending on customer preference and service area. It must be highly automated to allow for the easy provision of custom services with assured charging of any extras.

Automation can also make it easier for your staff to record and evidence service exceptions such as overfills, extra services and contamination that add to your cost so that these items are billed promptly with minimum effort – solutions such as AI video, mobile apps can help this process.

6. drive performance sustainability

At AMCS Performance Sustainability means adopting business practices that maximize the performance of the business today, while protecting and sustaining people (your staff, customers, and the wider community) as well as the environment that will be needed into the future.

Sustainability best practices should be embedded into the design of the automation, so it becomes the operating system of residential service delivery. This clears the way for the full deployment of automation for safety, reducing emissions, improving material quality, extending fleet asset lifetimes, and encouraging recycling and other forms of waste reduction.

learn more about the AMCS Platform

AMCS Platform provides a purpose-built solution for private haulers to deliver residential services (direct subscription business) and to provide services on behalf of municipalities.

It is a comprehensive solution automates and integrates dispatch, driver management, route optimization, customer onboarding and service, billing, payments, and digital engagement. The solution is designed to optimize efficiency, grow business and to drive better sustainability outcomes in areas such as improving safety, material value and reducing emissions. It is modern SaaS solution offering a great user experience that is intuitive to use and boosts staff productivity and collaboration.

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