Blog October 2024

Why you should treat EHS software like a gym membership

What do digital EHS solutions and sports have in common?


If you’ve ever been on a health kick, you’ll know that getting good results is about much more than just joining a gym. Of course, you need the right equipment to get in shape. But how quickly you lose weight and tone up depends on how effectively you use that equipment during your training sessions.

When it comes to your business fitness, the principle is the same – especially in the field of workplace safety. Many companies are waking up to the value of EHSQ software to manage safety and compliance, rather than relying on manual spreadsheets. However, the software alone cannot guarantee success; you need the right motivation, commitment and support to see results.

A focus on maximizing employee safety is an integral part of an approach AMCS calls Performance Sustainability – simultaneously prioritizing the planet, people, and profitability. It’s a strategy that enables companies in foundational industries to do what’s best for their workforce, while also boosting productivity, and ensuring the business thrives.

why it pays off to work with experts

Many people hire a personal trainer when looking to improve their health. Businesses should treat an EHSQ software investment in exactly the same way.Just like with a PT, a technology expert will help you to establish goals, and create a tailored plan to obtain your goals as quickly as possible – without the risk of going off-track, or setting yourself up for failure.

Some companies may choose to use ready-made safety management plans, such as the Bradley Curve, Safety Ladders model, and Zero Accident Vision model, or the ISO 45001 and several ISO standard models. Others might want something tailored to their business needs. There may even come a point where it makes more sense do it in-house, rather than outsourcing an EHSQ software expert. The most important thing is to remain aware and continually assess your needs.

staying motivated – and educated

Whatever support model you choose, it’s important to stay focused on achieving your workplace safety goals at all times. To help motivate your EHSQ software, personal trainers may help you to set short- and long-term objectives to reach your safety management goals within your organization.

The reason it’s important to set your milestones is that, like lasting fitness, safety culture isn’t a fad; it’s a way of life and doing business. You need to make the process and attitudes that enable a safe working environment second nature to your employees, and that means helping them to understand why you’re investing in EHSQ software.

Your success will rely on how well you can communicate your goals to employees, and to your business as a whole.Your employees need to understand why you’re implementing EHSQ software, how it influences your strategy, and why it’s a vital part of your company DNA. You also need your senior management team to lead by example, and understand how embracing safety culture will influence their professional development, and help them reach their individual business goals. This will create a ‘halo effect,’ in which safety advocates positively influence others within your organization.

implementing changes

While it’s vital that business stakeholders are bought-in to an EHSQ software investment, many will find big changes daunting. It’s no different from starting a tough new exercise regime when you’re out-of-shape – it doesn’t feel good, and the goals you’re striving for feel like they’re a lifetime away.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to break your workplace safety strategy down into smaller objectives, and give employees one clear focus to start off with. For example,  those who find workplace safety boring might start using a new EHSQ app, or focus on managing incidents more effectively, before worrying about implementing bigger changes. You might even want to hire a personal safety consultant to work intensively with your employees from the start.

It makes perfect sense to roll out the software step by step, and to take this into account when setting the first milestones. For example, start with optimizing your incident management with the help of the software solution.Usually, every employee has touchpoints with accident or near-miss reports in their everyday work.This focus is, therefore, particularly rewarding in the initial process standardization and simplifications.

Just like any exercise regime, your business needs to provide a diverse plan, to prevent employees from getting bored. It’s the responsibility of senior personnel within your company to continually study your safety strategy, and give staff new objectives that keep them motivated along the journey to a safer working environment.

finding the right equipment

We started by saying gym equipment alone won’t get you fit. And most people realize that the quality of the tools you use will determine how quickly you reach your goals - safety management fitness is no different.

The best “EHS gyms” are also mobile, offering your workforce digital personal training. Think of it like a home gym; employees can just take their smart device out of their pocket and do the short workout, aka managing and reporting workplace safety issues via their app.

Over time, just as personal trainers increase the intensity of their workouts, your chosen technology partner will up the ante on safety by adding more sophisticated features and functions. It’s important that your business supports staff along that journey, to instill confidence.Often, we find the most effective way to maximize results is for companies to appoint or support safety managers, who can build the internal culture from within. Think of them like the instructor of an aerobics or Zumba class, and the wider workforce as the participants.

This may seem like a lot of work, and you will have to put in some substantial effort along the way, but as anyone who’s ever lost a significant amount of weight will tell you, it’s worth it.And the best motivators are the real results generated, which your workforce can celebrate together on your shop floor.

The right EHS solution can get your business safety-fit, maximize productivity, and increase profits, all at the same time. Consider working with a  partner that can offer you market-leading technology and customized advice.The AMCS EHS solution is the ultimate safety management gym for your organization’s needs – get in touch with us to learn more.

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