AMCS Legal Compliance

keep liability risks to a minimum

Successful, sustainable businesses adhere to extensive regulations regarding occupational safety and environmental law. Our legal compliance software helps you fulfill these duties correctly, reducing your liability risk to the absolute minimum.

By creating a clear path through the maze of legal texts, AMCS Legal Compliance makes it easier to comply, and to assess the need for legal action where required. With effective tools to ensure appropriate procedures and standardized, up-to-date data, you are able to demonstrate legally compliant actions at all levels of your organization consistently.

always current

Maintain an up-to-date legal register with automated updates from expert legal databases.

practical approach

Make abstract legal provisions manageable, easily identifying specific impacts, duties, and tasks.

avoid duplication

Legal information is stored centrally making it easy to align tasks and eliminate duplicated effort.

quick overview

Consistent data structures and effective filters provide additional transparency and awareness.

facility register

Our comprehensive facility register helps you keep track of equipment and machinery used on site. Thanks to this intelligent system, you can quickly get a complete inventory for each of your sites and send reports to employees or external partners to share specific technical information for various kinds of equipment.

permits & requirements

When commissioning new facilities or modifying existing ones, you must obtain permits from relevant authorities to ensure occupational safety and environmental protection. With AMCS, you can keep track of all approval procedures and application and inspection processes, successfully organizing the documentation of results and implementation of requirements.

inspections & maintenance

AMCS Legal Compliance helps you stay on top of technical inspections and equipment maintenance. The inspection schedule highlights your upcoming appointments and helps you prepare for them. Inspection results that require action are then automatically integrated into your future inspection itinerary.

contract management

Bring order to your various contracts with suppliers and service providers. Make documents centrally accessible for quick access and keep track of agreed terms and conditions, setting personalised automated reminders to ensure that you never miss a deadline for terminating or renewing contracts.

The increasing demands on companies require a complete, seamless and legally-sound documentation system. This is exactly what the software solution provides.

Nicolas Tauchnitz, Compliance Management, Berliner Wasserbetriebe

a complete compliance package

Supplement our legal compliance software with updated legal content when you connect automatically with international legal databases. Our established partner network has the right legal compliance expert for you.