AMCS Platform for Metal Recycling

Managing a commercial recycling enterprise has become increasingly complex and competitive in the global economy. Compliance, inventory management, pricing, grading – each aspect of your business hinges on another. This complexity can breed inefficiency, and dealing with outdated IT legacy systems and paper processes doesn’t make it any easier. For more than 30 years, AMCS has been helping metal recycling companies regain control of their metal recycling business by simplifying the complex through digitalization.

Learn more about AMCS Platform for Metal Recycling here

ready to see what AMCS can do for you?

Our platform for metal recycling will increase your overall operational efficiency, driving down costs and boost your profit margins. Find out how today.

metal recycling brochure

AMCS Platform helps scrap metal recyclers operate smarter and more sustainably. Download our brochure to find out how.