Wim Hoek)

Wim Hoek

Product Marketing Manager

Commercial & Industrial waste management companies can no longer afford manual processes. The world has become too unpredictable, which means companies need to be agile enough to change direction at a moment’s notice.

Around the world in 2020, we’ve seen a major upheaval in our lifestyle. The UK is one example. With more people working at home, municipal waste increased by 20% while C&I waste fell by around 50%. In Germany during the same period, the C&I waste treatment sector remained relatively stable, as of this writing. However, a EUWID report states that some in the industry fear this might not be a true reflection of what’s happening, or about to happen. Will companies be prepared for what comes next? Other scenarios involve the global surge in industrialization, with the industrial waste market alone expected to hit the U.S. $1.9 / € 1.62 trillion by 2027. Another picture: changing policies and regulations in various markets, and environmental factors.

Embrace change

To navigate these landscapes and outperform competitors, there really is no quick fix. You must change your mindset, embrace change, and redefine how you work. How you work must be digital.

In the AMCS Digital Transformation Barometer, more than 80% of waste-management companies surveyed felt that digital innovation was important for success. Perhaps it should be no surprise that 60% rated their progress in adopting digital technologies as unsatisfactory.

Overall, companies rated themselves 6.3 out of 10 when it came to the five organization drivers in digital transformation.

  • Leadership and culture (6.9)
  • Value chain (6.5)
  • Employee engagement (6.3)
  • Business intelligence (5.9)
  • New technologies (5.7)

In short, the reluctance of your competitors to digitally transform leaves the door wide open for you. It’s an opportunity. Take it.

You need digital solutions that leverage the cloud, collect data and analyze it to provide a 360-degree view into your operations. From this, you’ll gain the insight that will tell you how to best serve your customers while maximizing profitability. This is the insight that will form your strategy, putting you ahead of competitors who are still working with siloed information, unable to connect their own dots and make informed decisions.

AMCS Platform For Commercial And Industrial Waste Industry

For companies in the industrial, construction, or demolition waste management business, the challenges have never been greater. Digitalization and globalization are driving more competition and regulations and environmental considerations are changing customer's requirements. AMCS' Platform for industrial, construction, and demolition waste, is an end-to-end solution that is specially designed to give you an advantage with the digitalization of your business.

The AMCS Platform

Your advantages with AMCS Platform

If you’re going to gain a competitive edge, you need an end-to-end enterprise-grade software ERP. This is a best-in-class SaaS AMCS Platform, designed specifically for the C&I and C&D waste industries. It’s also the ideal digital solution for waste collection, waste transfer, transfer stations, recycling activities, landfill management, and material trading.

AMCS Platform automates your processes, delivers standardization and full visibility while optimizing your business processes. It integrates with AMCS’s full suite of solutions, which include Intelligent Optimisation, Mobile Workforce, Customer Portal, and Vehicle Technology, just to name a few. These solutions optimize your efficiency. For instance, RFID tags can automatically identify the bin or container that needs to be serviced so that you’re not wasting time or petrol on containers that are only half full.

These solutions also collect data across your operations. With AMCS Analytics – another solution within the suite – you can turn this data into one cohesive picture. You can create highly visual, actionable reports. For instance, you can see how you can improve customer service levels or what your margin is per customer.

You can see where you’re leaking revenue too. Example: combine your GPS/route data with the data your trucks give you, such as the number of containers lifted, and you can ensure that you’re invoicing every customer. (You’d be surprised how many customers fall under the radar.) This is what we mean by integrating siloed systems.

We’ve seen AMCS Platform customers reduce costs per lift by 15% and increase customer satisfaction by up to 33%.  You can reduce your miles are driven, man-hours, and CO2 emissions by up to 25%. You can even decrease the number of trucks you need by 15% and planning time by 75%. Contract management, price indexing – full support for e-commerce – how can you still justify paper processes?

In 2018, Business Wire reported that the waste management industry was “on the verge of digital transformation.” This is borne out with the findings of the AMCS Digital Transformation Barometer. According to 54% of those surveyed, legacy systems present a significant barrier to implementing digitalization. This isn’t only a problem of working inefficiently, but also with different processes and siloed information. If those companies took the leap and digitized, they could automate their processes, get a deep view into their operations, and make use of the business intelligence they learn.

Right now and going forward, there are companies leading the way, some playing catch up, and those who can’t compete at all. It’s up to you which group you fall into.

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Digital Transformation Study

The AMCS benchmark study investigates how organizations in waste and recycling use technology to improve their operations and adapt to change.

How would your organization score on digital transformation?

How would your organization score on digital transformation?