
AMCS Recycling Software improves on-site turnaround times by reducing weighing time

Due to the integration with the AMCS Recycling Software, Karle Recycling is able to monitor all operational processes in one central system. This major benefit is demonstrated in a video made by AMCS at the metal recycler in the German city of Stuttgart. The company also uses of industry-specific software for license plate recognition on its weighbridge enabling it to complete a weighing within seconds. A major benefit of speeding up the weighing process is that the recycling software contributes to reducing the overall on-site turnaround times.

Mapping all three subsidiaries in one integrated system

The main requirement was the complete compatibility with all IT systems organization-wide in use at Karle Recycling. According to Bastian Lauer, Head of Customer Services, this is the main advantage of the AMCS Recycling Software for metal, paper, and plastic recyclers. “Currently three of our companies are working with the recycling software both with the same customers and the same types of waste.”

Mapping all three subsidiaries of the Karle Group in the integrated system is one thing, he clarifies in the video. Through the integration of the system, the recycling software is also providing the possibility to capture all phases of a transaction, from weighing, mobile grading in the yard right through to accounting. “That means all company and process specifics in one system meeting our particular our needs”, Lauer explains.

Watch video how Karle uses the AMCS Metal recycling software

AMCS solution is at the heart of Karle’s operations

With this integrated solution, the AMCS Recycling Software also offers an overview of the Karle Recycling Group, according to the metal recycler. “What about the business cycle? How do our customers react to price changes, for example?”, Lauer asks in the video. Two critical key process indicators are paramount to answering those questions. “The weekly collected tonnages of incoming materials and the captured weights of all material types as leading indicators, this information is very important for us”, Lauer says.

To improve processes and reduce weighing time Karle Recycling has been using license plate recognition on its weighbridges for a few years. “We can complete a weighing within a few seconds, mostly below 30 seconds. This helps us, helps our customers, but mainly our on-site turnaround times. It's only an example proving that process optimization is always worth striving for.” Saying this at the end of the video Lauer points out that the AMCS solution is at the heart of Karle Recycling’s operations and that it’s important to improve all processes. “Since there is always room for development, our task together with AMCS is to continuously develop the recycling software.”

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