
Since the commitments made at COP 21 in Paris, there’s been a lot of talk about restricting the global temperature increase. Back then, the world was concerned about the dangers of getting beyond a 1.5°C global increase and, of course, most of the participants agreed that we must hold the line and keep that from happening this century.

Despite those good intentions, however, we now find ourselves staring directly at that 1.5-degree mark, understanding that it could happen any time soon. We’ve already seen dramatic climate impacts that will only get worse — severe weather causing widespread droughts, ongoing melting at the poles leading to rising sea levels and an emissions curve we can’t seem to flatten.

To be fair, there is some good news — an increased focus on preventing greenwashing, the desire to create a functional carbon market, and continued harmonization on sustainability reporting standards. But we’re never going to avoid the 2-degree-increase cliff if we don’t start today.

That’s why it’s time for action. For every company that’s issued a climate-centered pledge over the years, it’s about turning those good intentions into actionable strategy. Make the pledge real, rather than a checkbox exercise, and you’ll be well on the way to embedding sustainability at the heart of your plans for both performance and profitability.

Here are just a few of the ways that a performance sustainability mindset can power growth for your business AND help protect our planet’s future:

Don’t wait for the regulation or legislation — make climate a critical business input into every decision

Sustainability is a strategic concern, not a marketing initiative. Enterprises that do not make sustainability part of every process — running the company, dealing with investors, designing products and services, to name a few — will quickly become dinosaurs. Sustainability needs to be considered before every decision — it’s not something to be used as window dressing after the decision is made. Political differences over how much climate change has happened, where the tipping point is, and who has to pay for the damage are getting in the way of the basic question for business, which is: do you want your business positioned for success or do you want to be penalized because you acted too slowly?

Leaders must be brave and say it out loud – change is imperative.

Climate action will require change, and there will be pain associated. It’s up to leaders — everyone from board members to C-suite members — to justify that pain by identifying and harnessing the benefits that sustainability can bring for your business.

Let’s consider all kinds of climate impacts.

When it comes to climate impacts, we need to address two separate questions. The first one we’re all familiar with: How do externalities like the changing weather impact our operations and profits? The second is the one we often miss: How do our current operations affect the external environment and societies that we operate in? Until you’re asking both questions simultaneously by undertaking a double materiality approach, you don’t have a full picture to work with.

If you’re capturing data, don’t do it for the sake of reports. Do it as part of data-driven decision-making about the business.

As long as sustainability remains a branding exercise, doing the bare minimum will be the norm. Reports will be written for the sake of appearances and nothing more. We must do more with data than simply chart the road toward the climate cliff. We need to use that data to change course.
The good news is AMCS can help you do just that. Our performance sustainability software provides you with the tools you need to power your ESG goals, boost performance, and achieve your climate pledges.
Our all-in-one sustainability platform tracks a host of ESG metrics so you can do more with your data. Helping you automate reporting, engage with stakeholders, reduce risks, and inform your sustainability strategy.
To find out how we’re supporting a more sustainable, more profitable, future, discover the AMCS Sustainability Platform today.

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