This is a German event. If you are interested, please click here!
The innovative recycling center, large-scale underground collection and digital waste management are the solution for high-quality recyclables collection, good process flow, cost-effectiveness, customer satisfaction and image building.
The separate collection of recycling raw materials at recycling centers and with underground systems ensures positive collection results, a higher market value of the recyclables due to high purity, high cleanliness and hygiene, staff satisfaction, service quality, high utility value as well as an appealing experience and desirable cityscape maintenance. Digital waste management at the recycling center and in underground logistics increases effectiveness and efficiency, improves transparency and documentation and creates the basis for real merchandise management.
Speakers, experts and operators from the industry will report on their challenges and experiences: From the practitioner for the practitioner!
Date and time: 18th of March | 09:30 - 15:00
Address: SASE GmbH, Max-Planck-Straße 9, 58638 Iserlohn, Germany