Maintaining a One-of-a-Kind Fleet, and Keeping Audiences Cheering, with AMCS Fleet Maintenance
Amey views waste as a valuable resource and provides a range of collection and treatment services to help local authorities and commercial customers improve their environmental performance and better manage the associated costs.
Enva is one of the UK’s leading recycling and resource management companies with 10 sites across Scotland and the North of England. Enva is a leading provider of waste management and resource recovery solutions and operates across 30 facilities in the United Kingdom and Ireland, employing over 1500 people. The company fuses unparalleled industry experience with the latest technologies to deliver innovative recycling and resource management solutions. AMCS Enterprise Management drives significant operational efficiencies and costs savings at Enva.
TJ Waste & Recycling serves both commercial and domestic customers with a range of waste collection, recycling, and disposal solutions in the South East of the UK. The company operates a fleet of 23 skip vehicles as well as a network of strategically located Materials Recovery Facilities
Returpack is the biggest player in the Swedish deposit-refund market. They are responsible for the collection, administration and deposits for 2,700 stores around Sweden.
The Cascades, a Canadian company founded in 1964, recovers and re-uses resources, especially fiber from paper products, which then become the raw materials for some 500 packaging and tissue products that are composed mainly of recycled fiber.
B&M transitioned to AMCS Cloud-based Platform for their enterprise system to allow them to meet their customers’ needs in the most efficient way possible as the company continues to grow.
Danish Crown, one of the world’s largest pork exporters, receives 14 million pigs a year in Denmark alone. In 2016 Danish Crown acquired a transport planning system from AMCS and made it available for all of their transporters. The goal was to reduce transport costs, have a real-time overview of the transport and to ensure a stable supply of pigs.
Reitan Distribution delivers consumer goods to a wide range of chain stores in Denmark, including 7-Eleven, Rema1000, Q8, and XY. The company is part of the Norwegian Reitangruppen, which is one of the largest retail companies in Scandinavia with 27,500 employees and a 2009 turnover of more than 7.1 billion euros.
Discover how to operate smarter, more seamlessly, and more digitally. Resulting in an increase in profits, improved efficiency and lower costs.