about Fingrid

Transmission grid operator, Fingrid, is the enterprise that takes care of Finland’s nationwide high-voltage grid for electricity transmission across the country. In addition to transmitting electricity from electricity-generating companies to distribution network operators and industrial companies, Fingrid also maintains cross-border connections and promotes the electricity market. Its mission: to secure a reliable supply of electricity and to help shape a clean power system fit for the future. 

AMCS App users
more hazard observations
transmission lines

real-time monitoring reduces risks 

Since introducing the AMCS App, Fingrid has more control over all aspects of safety management, including site diaries, accident monitoring, recording near miss statistics, and undertaking site inspections. Thanks to the AMCS software, Fingrid can now check what is happening in real time. With up-to-the-minute statistics on how many incidents or near misses have occurred, Fingrid can instantly assess risks and take action fast to prevent accidents before they happen. 

Karri Koskinen, Safety Expert, Fingrid

The biggest benefit is being able to check what is happening on-site online and in real time. Our service provider will send us an accident or near miss notification on the AMCS App, and after we have classified the severity, we investigate potential risks in the system. It is easier to work this way now. 

AMCS EHSQ Management brochure

Increase your efficiency, compliance and safety for a sustainable future.