Salisbury Rowan Utilities

Faster FOG inspections and boosting productivity

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About Salisbury Rowan Utilities

Salisbury Rowan Utilities delivers water and wastewater services across a number of towns in Rowan County, working hard to protect the environment, promote public health, and provide high quality customer service. As part of its mission to maintain and upgrade facilities, SRU operates an effective Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) program, inspecting FOG devices across a wide network of commercial food retailers in order to cost-effectively meet environmental regulations and ensure customer compliance.

FOG devices
per inspection
pump stations
wastewater facilities


With approximately 300 FOG inspections to carry out annually, SRU’s maintenance activities were complicated by an outdated and unreliable work management system.



SRU is mandated by federal and state government to operate a Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) program. Periodic inspections are essential to ensure compliance with regulations, however, with approximately 300 devices to inspect annually, maintenance activities were time-consuming.

Initially, the SRU team were completing inspections manually and typing up information when they returned to the office, updating changes to client information by coordinating with different departments.

Keen to increase efficiency, SRU tried utilising work management software on a laptop with an air card but found the technology unreliable. As a result, the team began to look for new ways to streamline data collection.


Salisbury Rowan Utilities opted for a cloud-based asset management system with AMCS Field Services. Ideal for utilities, this SaaS software helped to streamline the FOG inspection process, simplified scheduling, and enhanced reporting with a mobile-friendly solution.



AMCS Field Services provides a highly customisable solution for asset management. This cloud-based ‘Software-as-a-Service’ platform was able to replace the company’s cumbersome paper forms, store all asset data, and enable users to visually manage assets.

Today, the program provides a list of all devices and assets including facility name, location, owner and contact information. With a visual representation of every site location, each represented by a colour-coded icon, SRU can now see at a glance whether inspections are complete or due.

On site, inspection staff also benefit from a customised inspection form, tailored to help SRU meet its regulatory requirements.


FOG inspections are now completed in just 15 minutes, where previously they could take up to 1 hour. Not only has this increased team productivity, but with less time on site, SRU found the impact on customers was reduced.



As a result of switching to AMCS Field Services, SRU found they could reduce the time needed to complete their annual FOG inspections program by 40 percent.

Streamlined data capture lies at the heart of these measurable time savings with a tailored, easy to complete inspection form, which ensures all necessary fields are collected by the inspector. Any work orders resulting from FOG inspections are then automatically followed up and tracked within the system.

Finally, AMCS Field Services also works to prompt compliance. Inspection data is automatically forwarded to a customized report containing the SRU letter head, which is sent to the property owner. The report contains a summary of the inspection and any corrective action that is required.

Real-Time Access to Data

Thanks to AMCS Field Services, SRU field staff have immediate access to relevant data. All completed inspections are available along with work orders, operations and maintenance manuals, system drawings, as-built drawings, pictures and notes. And it's not just field staff that benefit. The system also provides the SRU management team with a real-time view of the location of field inspectors, the status of work, and data being collected.

Utility Cloud has helped us significantly reduce the number of customers who are not in compliance. Our customers are impressed with the professionalism of the FOG program and appreciate our streamlined inspection process which allows them to continue with their daily operations with minimal impact.

AMCS Field Services for utilities brochure

Download our brochure to discover how to streamline asset management and compliance reporting.


Download Salisbury Rowan Utilities Success Story

Learn how the SRU water department used AMCS Field Services to boost productivity and reduce the time it spends on FOG inspections.

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