Webinar on Demand in English

Accelerating waste and recycling efficiency

Connect every aspect of your business to boost productivity and increase profitability

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Connecting the Dots in Your Waste & Recycling Business

Are your route sheets frequently out-of-date? Does it take days and manual Excel sheets to create essential reports? Do invoicing and late payer reports take too long, frustrate your customers, and kill your cashflow? Do you lose track of your customers?  In a world of hyper competition, increasing capital costs, and uncertain market conditions, the ability to optimize every waste and recycling task along your business workflow is essential. An integrated, end-to-end solution that connects your workforce and provides immediate insight at all points in the business is essential in today’s digitized world. 

Learn how the AMCS Platform can help you accelerate efficiency and profitability by connecting every aspect of your business. In this session, Chris Bohill, Waste Expert & Senior Engineer, will share a demonstration on how AMCS Platform:

  • Dramatically reduces paperwork
  • Adds employee and executive visibility with mobile access, simple user interfaces, and flexible reporting
  • Provides access to customer service in one place with easy onboarding and billing
  • Simplifies pricing set up – eliminates paper price books and flexible enough for any type of pricing / discount / surcharge model
  • Has powerful, automated invoice generation and a variety of ways for customers to pay with traditional and digital tools 
  • Improved visibility and traceability of your containers

After this session, you'll have a high-level understanding of how the end-to-end AMCS Platform provides your  business increased productivity, better quality and safety, improved accountability and traceability, and increased margin.

With our team of expert professional services and around the clock support, we can navigate the smart industry digital world together and achieve unprecedented success through collaboration and partnership!

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